Thaddeus' Story
By Iain Little
1. Williamsburg
Thaddeus Poindexter grew up on a plantation in Williamsburg, Virginia. He had no siblings, but he had nannies to play with and lots of cousins who would drop in from time to time. His father was the eldest of 3 brothers. The middle brother, Jenson Poindexter, was in the Confederate Navy stationed in Missouri. The youngest brother, Vernon Poindexter lived in Hampton, Virginia. Thaddeus’ mother came from Atlanta, Georgia. In the summertime, Thaddeus’ family would often visit the Abernathy estate for a couple of weeks at a time and Thaddeus would spend many hours exploring the countryside with his cousins.
Thaddeus was particularly close to his paternal grandmother, “Nana Sophia”. She tended towards spoiling him a bit, telling him that he was special. She told him all sorts of stories about the family. According to Nana Sophia, Thaddeus’ great-great-great grandfather had married a mermaid, and all the generations of Poindexter since has been blessed with special abilities. They were all very entertaining stories, and Thaddeus appreciated that she had customized the stories to the family.
From his parents and relatives, Thaddeus learned etiquette and manners. He soon realized that the townsfolk and servants didn’t have the same manners, and it made Thaddeus feel superior to them. He learned at a very young age that, although the Poindexters were superior, one should never call attention to that fact. The regular people tend to get offended and one needs the masses on their side to get what they want. He’d watch his father fielding complaints from the workers and saw how his father would listen and compliment them and appear to be in agreement all the while deftly manipulating the conversation. Thaddeus learned that diplomacy, tact, and flattery go a long way.
Thaddeus was not lazy by any means. He did very well in school. As with everything else, good grades made him feel superior, so Thaddeus studied and worked very hard to be the best. Yes, his parents had slaves working in the fields, but Thaddeus didn’t know the situation. He assumed they were paid workers like everyone else. So, Thaddeus didn’t distinguish between black, indigenous, or white people. They were all equal, and Poindexters were above them all.
Even though he felt superior to the workers, Thaddeus was fascinated by them. He’d watch them, particularly in their leisure activities. He studied them carefully playing card games and learned how to read their expressions and body language. He also noticed the cheaters, and how they manipulated games. Thaddeus practiced for hours to replicate some of the sleight of hand. Occasionally he’d employ what he learned on his schoolmates.
As Thaddeus got a little bit older, he’d roam around the city of Williamsburg looking for interesting things. He’d watch people and the wide variety of interactions. The most interesting, of course, were at night. Thaddeus liked to sneak out of his bedroom window, onto the roof of the verandah, and down the support pillars. Once on the lawn he could run off into the darkness and find his way into town. He’d watch the people in the back room of the saloon gambling. He’d watch the more (as his mother would call them) – unsavory characters having altercations.
Thaddeus liked to hide in some convenient vantage point and watch how disagreements were settled. Sometimes with tact, sometimes with violence. It was all very fascinating. Sometimes, when Thaddeus was doing something that he knew was shady, he’d use the name Beauregard Abernathy, his fictitious cousin.
2. Battle of Williamsburg
(May 04, 1862)
The Poindexter estate was targeted in the raids by Yankee soldiers. Thaddeus knew that the war hadn’t been going well for the South and knew that they didn’t have much time. On May 04, Thaddeus had seen the attackers approaching (a mob carrying torches after sunset can be seen). There wasn’t much time. They were already in the house. He heard raised voices – his parents. Thaddeus opened his fishing tackle box and grabbed his father’s old filleting knife. There were screams coming from the staircase.
Thaddeus climbed out through the window onto the verandah roof and shimmied down a support column as he had done a hundred times before. Then he ran across the lawn and hid in his old tree fort. By then the house and all the outbuildings were set alight. He saw 2 Yankee soldiers coming out of the house. The rest had already moved on toward the neighbors. The two soldiers stopped at the same tree, just below the fort. One of the soldiers was worried about the family getting out. The other said that they wouldn’t – he had killed them.
Thaddeus took a moment to think. He needed the men to separate so he could strike individually. He looked around the tree fort. Not much in here anymore. Hasn’t been used in a while. There was the “Tarzan Rope” he had used as a swing. Still secured at one end. Perfect.
The first man started to move off to join the rest of the soldiers, now terrorizing the neighbors. The murderer stayed back to take a drink from his canteen. He never saw what hit him. Thaddeus had knocked him to the ground and was on top of him in an instant. With his father’s filleting knife, Thaddeus stabbed him squarely in the neck and then sliced. There was no sound. The man couldn’t scream.
At a run, Thaddeus caught up with the first soldier. Brought the knife down on the soldier’s back. And again. The soldier fell to his knees, trying to turn to see his assailant. Thaddeus cut his throat in much the same manner as before.
It was only after both men were dead that Thaddeus noticed that he had cut his hand. “Note to self – get a knife with a proper hilt so my hand doesn’t slide down over the blade.” It surprised him a little that his first instinct after killing 2 men was about practicality – improving the method for the next time. Thaddeus had felt no remorse, no guilt. He didn’t even feel a sense of avenging his parents’ deaths. They were simply inferior beings who deserved to die. Emotion didn’t come into it at all.
Thaddeus ran off into the darkness away from the glow of the house, as he had done many times before. Only this time he knew he wouldn’t be coming back. His first thought was to make his way to his cousin’s home (his father’s youngest brother Vernon). It wasn’t too far away. But then he realized the war was raging through the entire state. For all Thaddeus knew, his uncle’s family may have already suffered the same fate.
3. Alone in the World
Thaddeus was 12 years old at the time. But in the mid-1800s a 12-year-old could get employment – but not with the name Poindexter. At least, not in Williamsburg. Too many Yankee soldiers around to punish him for being a Poindexter. Thaddeus knew he had to get away from there. The first priority was to wash the blood off his hands and clothing. There was a nearby stream that he and his father used for fishing. He got there without incident and began his ablutions. Face and hands – no problem. The shirt was a little more challenging, especially at night.
A few times it sounded like someone might be approaching. Thaddeus knew the area well and knew the most effective places to hide. It was a long night. By dawn, Thaddeus could see how well he had done at washing his shirt. there were still a few stubborn stains, so he rubbed some mud and weeds on the stains to disguise them. It would be easier to explain mud and grass stains than blood. Eventually, he got the shirt to an acceptable condition – mostly clean, but a few very subtle remnants of grass stains. Time to get moving.
Using the name of Beauregard Abernathy, he made his way west through Virginia. The fields and forests were no problem. As he walked, he was constantly scanning the area for suitable hiding spots. A few times he had to avail himself of these. There were a number of close calls when he’d cross paths with other people. Thaddeus became really good at concealing himself.
If he happened across a small town he’d take on a few odd jobs as he went. Sometimes he’d pull a con to get extra money, (always using the name of Beauregard) then he’d leave town. Thaddeus became quite adept at the con. It didn’t take long before he had enough to pay for provisions, or even room & board for a few nights. He continued in the same manner working westward. While working as a dishwasher in a saloon in Petersberg he observed a lot of saloon brawls involving men called Nick Boyson and Devlin Hayes. They were notorious around the saloons and gambling dens. They were essentially thugs who would shoot anyone who crossed them. Thaddeus learned to steer clear of them.
Thaddeus continued working his way westward through Lynchburg to Roanoke. Weeks turned to months. By then it was winter, and Thaddeus knew he’d have to find work and lodging. Since most of the able-bodied men were fighting in the war, there were a lot of vacancies. ”Beau” was able to find work in a saloon as a general laborer. Hard work, and long hours, but the landlord treated him fairly and he had shelter. He bided his time until spring when he could be on the road again.
4. Hold Your Breath
From Roanoke, Thaddeus turned south. He had decided where he was going. He had hoped that the war was not as strong in Georgia and that perhaps he could stay with his Abernathy cousins in Atlanta. He continued on, avoiding the big urban centers. He stayed mainly in the wilderness, sometimes picking up work on a farm or stopping in a small town for any odd job he could find. Then something happened.
It was somewhere in North Carolina near Winston-Salem that the war got a little too close. Thaddeus became aware of Yankee soldiers in the area. The forest wasn’t thick enough to provide adequate cover. Thaddeus came across a deep pond. He found a hollow stem from some long reeds, and he jumped in, found a deep little nook concealed by tree roots, and started breathing through the reed.
Thaddeus knew that as long as he stayed still and didn’t panic, he should be alright. He could hear the soldiers’ footsteps on the banks. He could feel their steps as they splashed through the shallower area. When he looked up he could see some of them leaning on the tree trunk above him. Instinctively he forced himself down into the sludge at the bottom of the pond. But he had miscalculated the length of the reed. The upper end slipped below the surface and filled with water.
There was no way to blow the water out of the reed without giving away his presence. He remembered all those times at the beach when he held his breath for a really long time, but this was different. If he alerted the soldiers to his presence, they would kill him. He had to stay there, still and quiet. Thaddeus held his breath for a long time, but inevitably he needed to breathe. He started feeling light-headed. His mind wandered to thoughts of… his grandmother… mermaids.
Thaddeus’ lungs ached. Autonomic motor activity took over. He inhaled deeply. It stung just for a moment. And
then he realized he was breathing. But he was still underwater! Mermaids. He remembered the stories that his great-great-great grandfather claimed to have married one. But they were just stories. Yet here he was – trapped underwater and still breathing. Stay still. Don’t move.
His mind was reeling. He didn’t know who he was anymore. He had become a creature. A freak. He had seen the way that freaks were treated in the traveling carnivals. Abominations. The attitude of good Christian folk was that “God doesn’t make mistakes, so these freaks are the work of the Devil”. Well, that certainly didn’t fit with Thaddeus’ point-of-view about himself. But that was the belief of people at the time. After a good long think he decided that it was safest not to reveal this little detail about himself to anyone. In time Thaddeus came to realize that the soldiers seemed to have moved on. He was worried about whether or not his lungs would revert back to normal, but with a few deep coughs to clear the water, he was okay.
Thaddeus realized that not only was the war still on, but it was more far-reaching than he had assumed. He needed to learn more about what was going on so he made his way into Winston-Salem to find another job, listen to the gossip, and maybe ask a few questions. This time it was a general store where young Master Abernathy got employment and a roof over his head. It was an elderly couple who ran the place.
“Beau” came in just as the man was struggling to move some heavy barrels. Beauregard came straight in to assist. Once the deed was done, he poured on all his charm (apologizing for his unkempt appearance) and offered his services. The General store was a wonderful place for hearing the latest news. In the Saloons the patrons seldom
talk of current events. Most of them come to forget. In the general store, the townsfolk stop by specifically to catch up. Thaddeus learned that the war was, indeed, intensifying. And there was nothing he could do but wait.
5. The Abernathy Estate
With the coming of Spring, it was time for Thaddeus to set off again. From Winston-Salem to Hickory and the Smoky Mountains. Then he made his way southwest. For a while, he didn’t know whether he was in South Carolina or Georgia.
(August 5th – Battle of Mobile)
– Commander Jenson Poindexter died aboard the CSS Tennessee at the Battle of Mobile Bay in
Alabama; Jenson Poindexter died not knowing the fate of his nephew. His grave would be in the Mobile
National Cemetery in Alabama but his body remained missing in action.
By the time Thaddeus had made it to Atlanta, it was autumn again.
September – The Burning of Atlanta
The Abernathy estate was just outside Atlanta. Thaddeus knew the area well. It would have been easy to find his way there, except that the Yankee soldiers were out in full force. Something was going on. It was easy enough to get past them in the woods under the cover of darkness, but as he approached the estate the forest gave way to (mostly) manicured lawns, but there were a few well-placed trees, gardens, and outbuildings. Thaddeus made his way to the house.
In the dim light from the windows, Thaddeus could make out the figures of his aunt & uncle, and cousins Jeremy & Charles surrounded by Yankee soldiers. It appeared that the family was being detained or arrested. Then some of the soldiers threw torches through the windows. Instantly the family started towards the house. The soldiers held them back. Thaddeus couldn’t quite make out what they were shouting . . .Katie! 5-year-old Katie wasn’t with them!
Thaddeus made his way towards the back of the house. There was a Yankee soldier on guard duty blocking his way. Thaddeus approached him from behind, knife in hand. Stab to the neck, then sliced. Another soldier. Stab & Slice. Thaddeus made it to the old oak tree at the back of the house. If memory served . . . yes! Some of the branches were close enough to the windows. Up the tree to Katie’s window. He could see her huddled in her bed crying. The window was shut – but not locked.
Thaddeus gently opened the window and poked his head in, whispering her name. Thank Goodness she recognized him! He crawled into her room and spoke quickly. “Everyone else is outside. There’s a fire downstairs so I have to take you out through the window. It’s going to be scary, so I want you to just close your eyes and hold on tight.”
Thaddeus opened the window as far as it would go. Still a tight fit with a child attached to him, but there was no time to lose so Thaddeus just went for it. The branch swayed and bent as he moved. As he got closer to the trunk it was a little more stable. He could hear Katie’s family shouting and screaming, along with the shouts of the soldiers. Thaddeus climbed down to the next branch. He was nearly close enough to the ground to jump the final few feet. One more branch and he’d be able to… A soldier came into view. Damn! He was standing about 20 feet away. If Thaddeus jumped down now, they’d be seen.
With his free hand, Thaddeus reached for his throwing dagger. He whispered in Katie’s ear, “Are your eyes still closed?” She nodded. The branches limited his range of movement, but he threw the knife anyway. A hit! But not fatal. At least he had hit his target in the lung so he wouldn’t be able to scream. “Hang on!”, he whispered as he jumped out of the tree.
When they landed, Thaddeus put Katie on the ground just for a moment while he retrieved his knife and finished off the soldier. Then he picked Katie up again and ran to the side of the house. And gently set her on her feet. “Your family is just around the corner by the big flowerbed. You can run to them now. You’ll be safe.” As Katie ran around the corner, Thaddeus made a beeline for the nearest cover. He knew he couldn’t go to the family. He had just murdered three soldiers.
By this time one of the bodies had been found. Then another. The alarm was sounding among the soldiers. From his vantage point, Thaddeus could see Katie with her family. The glow from the burning house was growing. As the soldiers’ attention was drawn to the bodies, Thaddeus ran away into the cover of darkness. He knew there was a stream nearby and he could hide his tracks there.
6. Nemo Me Impune Lacessit
(Winter 1864 to 1865)
When winter came, Thaddeus (as Beauregard) was working in a Saloon in Chattanooga, Tennessee. One particular night 3 men arrived. Thaddeus recognized Nick Boyson and Devlin Hayes. Beau went to the landlord to warn him there might be trouble. The Landlord said that they were very well known here. The third man was Clifford Simmons.
There weren’t many customers in the Saloon that day. Quite a few men got as far as the door and turned around when they saw Simmons, Boyson & Hayes. Beau just went about doing his chores as always. There came a point at which Thaddeus had no choice but to approach the table. “May I clear your empties away, Sir?” With a grunt the three men shifted just enough for him to reach in, put the empty glasses and bottles onto his tray, and give the table a quick wipe. Turning away, he paused a moment to shift the items on his tray for a better balance.
That was the moment that Nick Boyson stood up – colliding with Beauregard and toppling his tray. Some of the contents spilled onto Mr. Simmons. In an instant, Beauregard was staring down the barrel of a six-shooter, held by Simmons. “You’ll pay for that!” “With respect, Sir, Everyone saw that it was Mr. Boyson who…” A second gun was in his face. And a third. Although Mr. Hayes was only just starting to rise out of his seat.
Mr. Simmons, bolstered by the support of his minions, continued. “So what are you going to do about this, Boy?” “I will not apologize for that which I did not cause, Sir.” The Landlord spoke up, “Wait! I can pay for your vest out of the till. How much do you need?” Mr. Simmons turned and walked over to the Landlord. Boyson & Hayes followed. “What a good idea. I will also have to be paid for my inconvenience. I think we’ll just take all of it.” “What? No, wait! I didn’t mean…”
There was a loud CRACK! As Beauregard brought a broken chair leg down on a nearby table. “That’s where my wages come from.” (the absence of “Sir” was noticed) He started walking towards the three men, a chair leg in each hand.
“That’s where all the staff wages come from.” Simmons raised his gun again. “I’ve had my fill of you, Boy. Before I shoot you, what’s your name?” “Beauregard Abernathy.” “Well, that’s the stupidest damn name I ever heard. Your parents must have really hated you to call you that.”
Everyone heard Beau whisper through clenched teeth. No one understood it. “Nemo me impune lacessit.” Beau threw the first chair leg, knocking the guns from both Boyson and Hayes. “Go ahead, I have nothing left to lose”. He was aware of more people entering the Saloon. The Sheriff and all his deputies entered the saloon to see Clifford Simmons holding a gun to the face of a 14-year-old boy. Simmons was arrested.
7. Kentucky
The Civil War effectively ended by April 1865 but there were still enough die-hard Yankees around that one had to be cautious. Thaddeus spent his 15th birthday in a bordello – washing dishes and cleaning up after the guests. It was actually a really good job. The lady in charge, Madame Tallulah, was kind and looked after everyone in her employ. The staff (ladies, bouncers, cooks) were all friendly and very much team players.
The cooks taught Thaddeus how to prepare fine meals; the bouncers taught him how to fight effectively (and how to avoid a fight), and the ladies taught him to be light on his feet through ballroom dancing. Thaddeus stayed there a couple of months until one night the police raided the house. Thaddeus got away through the cellar.
Stability in Kentucky
Thaddeus arrived in Lexington, Kentucky at the end of August. Kentucky recovered from the war more quickly. People here didn’t really care whose plantations were destroyed or why. And there were some businessmen who had known and respected the Poindexter family. It was safe again for Thaddeus to use his real name.
Thaddeus started looking for stable employment. He saw an ad for workers in a shipping company owned by a Mr. Elijah Martens. Thaddeus remembered Mr. Martens had been a friend and business associate of Thaddeus’ father. He had been to the house a few times. Thaddeus made his way to the warehouse and made an appointment for an interview.
Mr. Martens recognized Thaddeus immediately and was delighted to see him. They briefly caught each other up. Mr. Martens relayed how he and some other friends tried to locate Thaddeus after the fire, but without success. (At one point they thought they were getting close, but it turned out to be a loathsome confidence trickster named Beauregard). Thaddeus relayed a modified version of the year and said that after a year of not knowing where his next meal was coming from, he was ready to find a good honest job. Mr. Martens hired him immediately.
Mr. Martens was an honest and level-headed employer. He rewarded hard work and had little tolerance for laziness. Thaddeus worked very hard and was able to advance somewhat through the company. Thaddeus regained his social standing but was not above the odd diversion (after hours) into conning and gambling as Beauregard to gain extra money.
By the time Thaddeus turned 18 (April 1868), he was ready to move on. He decided to attend medical school in Louisville. Mr. Martens wrote a very favorable letter of reference. Thaddeus set himself up with an apartment and, with his social standing intact and tuition paid in full, Thaddeus was admitted to the school.
8. Medicine & Gambling Don't Mix
(Late 1868, 1869, and into 1870)
University School of Medicine, Louisville, Kentucky. Medical school was certainly a challenge for Thaddeus. Although he was not a genius, he had better-than-average intelligence, and he was not afraid of hard work. He did well enough to be in the top 10 of his class. To keep ahead of bills (and to maintain an air of wealth) Thaddeus seized any opportunity to gamble and engage in mild cons.
It was during this time that Thaddeus purchased a particularly useful walking stick with a rapier blade hidden inside. The 2nd year was even harder. There was a much heavier workload than the previous year, leaving much less time for extracurricular activities. Still, Thaddeus settled into something of a routine and was doing well. He had a small circle of friends and on the rare occasions that they had time for a few rounds of poker, Thaddeus refrained from winning more than was considered “normal”.
Leaving University
An opportunity arose. One member of his circle of friends, Mr. Cole Honeywell, invited him to a poker group off campus. Cole was an energetic, keen young man from a fine family. Although he was extraordinarily intelligent, he had no trace of common sense. Cole explained that there were two card players in town that had taken too much money from some family friends and Cole was determined to get the better of these outlaws. Thaddeus asked the names of the 2 gamblers, “Nick Boyson and Devlin Hayes”
Thaddeus explained that he knew them. They were surly, disrespectful criminals who would not hesitate to shoot anyone who crossed them. Thaddeus was very clear in his instructions – stay away. It was the first time Thaddeus had ever seen Cole look angry. “I have a moral duty to defend the honor of my friends. These ruffians deserve a comeuppance and I know exactly how I’m going to do it. Everything’s in hand. I’m going whether you like it or not.”
Against his better judgment, Thaddeus decided to go along – if only to keep an eye on Cole. On the way there Thaddeus kept asking Cole to tell him his plan to get one over on Boyson & Hayes. Cole gave the same response each time – “It’s better if you don’t know”. Cole wasn’t budging. Then Thaddeus told Cole he’d have to introduce Thaddeus as “Beau Abernathy”. He briefly explained that when he was on the run from Williamsburg, he had been using an assumed name. He met Boyson & Hayes during that time. Thaddeus reiterated that they have shot opponents in poker matches before.
The room was off campus. It was a well-appointed room in a rental apartment. There was a large round oak table with a center pillar support. Meeting Boyson & Hayes was pretty much as expected. It took a few moments for them to recognize him. One of them made some snide remark about that snotty little kid from Chattanooga being “all growed up”. Beauregard grinned coyly. “I see you’re both allowed out on your own, too. Moved away from home, have you? By the way, what is Mr. Simmons up to these days?”
The look on their faces implied there was a story there. And they were not in the mood to tell it. Aside from Boyson, Hayes, Cole, and “Beau”, there were 3 other gentlemen. Thaddeus recognized them from the campus but had never actually met them before tonight. They were Mssrs. Parks, Willoughby, and Lockhart. They were young, jovial, and eager for a night of fun.
Thaddeus played straight the whole night – mostly. He was watching and listening very carefully. He became aware of certain random comments by Boyson & Hayes. Thaddeus started to wonder if these random comments were messages between the two. Thaddeus also became aware of occasional knocks from under the table, followed by subtle glances between Boyson & Hayes. Later in the evening Thaddeus would – sometimes – tap the center table leg with his shoe, which produced a very similar knock.
Cole Honeywell, on the other hand, started off well enough, but throughout the evening was becoming increasingly distracted and fidgety. At one point, Thaddeus had a terrible hand and folded. The game played on and when someone had “called”, Cole had the winning hand. Except that one of his cards was identical to one in the hand that Thaddeus had folded. Cole was cheating – badly!
Thaddeus suggested that he and Cole should probably call it a night – claiming a mountain of work and an exam the next day. Cole was not ready to leave. Mr. Lockhart suggested another round of drinks. Again, Thaddeus urged Cole that it was time to go. Boyson & Hayes were looking a little surlier than usual. It seems that some messages were
misinterpreted (or not sent accurately) They ordered everyone to sit down.
The cards were dealt. Thaddeus had a reasonable hand, but he folded at a reasonable part of play. He wanted no part of whatever was about to happen. It was a very tense round. Final call. Cole won again. But 3 of his cards were identical to those in other player’s hands. Boyson & Hayes were on their feet in an instant – guns drawn. “Beau” suggested that everyone should just take what they had, and leave. Boyson & Hayes could have the kitty. No one gets hurt. Parks, Willoughby & Lockhart availed themselves of the suggestion.
The remaining gentlemen stood in a tidy square. Cole and Thaddeus on one side, Boyson and Hayes on the other, with Hayes closest to Thaddeus and Boyson diagonally to him. Cole remained defiant. He said that Boyson & Hayes cheated money out of many of his friends for years and it was time they got what was coming to them.
Boyson shot Cole. Thaddeus leapt at Hayes, grabbing at the hand that held his gun, but Hayes wasn’t about to let go. The momentum of Thaddeus’s leap spun Hayes just enough so that his gun was aimed at Boyson. With Thaddeus’ hands tightly guiding the hand of Hayes.
Boyson dropped. Hayes rushed to Boyson. Thaddeus rushed to Boyson’s gun. BANG! Hayes dropped. Thaddeus checked on Cole. He was dead. Then he checked Boyson & Hayes. Both dead.
Thaddeus decided to leave the scene as it was. If questioned, Parks, Willoughby, and Lockhart might remember how everything on the table was placed. With luck, they might think that Beau escaped shortly behind them and that Boyson and Hayes shot each other arguing over the winnings. And then Thaddeus saw Willoughby lingering in the doorway. He looked terrified. “I came back for my cufflink. I must have dropped it. What happened?” “Forget about the cufflink. Get out of here!” “It has my initials on it.” “Damn!”
A quick look revealed the cufflink on the floor where Willoughby had been sitting. In an instant, both men were into the corridor and out a back door. In the alley, they ran in opposite directions. Technically, Thaddeus had escaped, but there was still a significant problem. Even though Willoughby didn’t know his real name, all three men were on campus and could identify Thaddeus on sight. Gambling itself was cause enough to be expelled from university. If Willoughby had seen that Thaddeus had been involved in the shooting, he could go to trial.
Thaddeus would have to leave town. Even though the final exam was the following day, he would not be
able to complete it. He was livid. Not about killing Boyson & Hayes. They deserved to die years ago. But to put himself at risk in a situation which, from the start, had no possible benefit to himself. He lost everything he had worked for – his career; his future; his status – undermined by an idiot. He vowed to never allow that to happen again. But that didn’t stop Thaddeus from forging a diploma.
9. Life on the Lam
Thaddeus made a run for it. His experiences leaving Williamsburg were helpful in getting across town undetected. He was now (probably) a wanted man, and he knew he had to get out of town. As soon as he was far enough away from Louisville, Thaddeus bought a gun. He wasn’t going to be put in a position of staring down the barrel of someone else’s gun ever again. He also made sure to sharpen his filleting knives.
Thaddeus moved west. He avoided using the name Beauregard for a while. When he arrived at a new community he’d assess. If it was a small town where everyone knew everyone else, he’d stay as Thaddeus and get legitimate work for a while until moving on. For larger urban centres he could get into a regular routine of finding legitimate work as Thaddeus and augmenting with a bit of very minor gambling scams as Beauregard. He was careful not to win too much at a time. (sometimes he’d even let the other guys win a bit). He’d stay until he got bored and then move on.
Over the next decade, Thaddeus passed through practically every state and territory in the West. Inevitably, he found his way to Texas. It was a big place. Lots of urban centers, small towns, and lots of vast empty spaces in between to prevent the spread of those pesky Wanted posters. By the 1880s or 90s, there would have been some detectives in the larger urban centers. There were Rangers in the rural areas, but as with most police officers, their training was mainly patrolling and pursuit. Wanted posters couldn’t be sent by telegraph. So, if there was a wanted suspect, posters went up in the immediate jurisdiction but no farther.
10. Tombstone
(Arizona County, 1881)
Silver was discovered near Tombstone, Arizona in 1879. At the time there were 100 people. By 1881 the population was 7,000 men. (excluding women, children, and immigrants). 110 saloons, 14 gambling halls, + Brothels. Thaddeus was intrigued by the idea of a boom town. Often in these cases, the town grows so quickly with prospectors and bars, but there are very few doctors, teachers, or other professionals to maintain basic services.
Thaddeus did his research before arriving. Town Marshall Virgil Earp, with his brothers Wyatt and Morgan (Special Policemen), were not well-liked. They seemed to have personal vendettas against a group known as “The Cowboys”.
The word “cowboy” had become synonymous with cattle rustling, bandits, and rural thieves.
It was pretty clear that the local law enforcement had zero tolerance for bad behavior, so Thaddeus came in under his real name and got a job as assistant to the town doctor, George Goodfellow. October 25, 1881. It all came to a head in a vacant lot beside CS Fly’s Photography studio, (6 doors down from the back entrance to the OK Corral) The Earps had teamed up with their friend “Doc” Holliday (a dentist) and made him a Temporary policeman. They faced off against a group of Cowboys. Thaddeus and Dr. Goodfellow were close at hand.
The confrontation erupted in gunfire. In about 30 seconds it was all over. Dr. Goodfellow went to the Earp side first. Virgil & Morgan Earp and Doc Holiday were wounded. Wyatt unharmed. Meanwhile, Thaddeus checked the Cowboys. Billy Clanton, and Tom & Frank McLaury were dead. Ike Clanton, Billy Clayborn, Wes Fuller got away. Having established that no one on the Cowboys’ side needed medical attention, Thaddeus assisted Dr. Goodfellow with the wounded Earps and Doc Holliday.
The town was divided about who was at fault. Some witnesses said that the cowboys were surrendering,
with their hands up, or holding their coats open to show they were unarmed. Dr. Goodfellow determined
that the angle of the bullet hitting Billy Clanton’s wrist proved that he was shooting.
Thaddeus contested this hotly. He said that there was no way to prove that he was shooting or even holding a gun by the position of the forearm in relation to the angle of bullet penetration. There are too many positions that the arm could be in – in relation to the torso, and it is unknown the orientation of the body to the shooter at that moment. Thaddeus demonstrated several different positions that manifested the same angle at which the bullet would have hit the wrist.
Dr. Goodfellow was outraged that an assistant would question his findings. Thaddeus reiterated that the angle of the bullet cannot prove whether he was holding a gun, not does it disprove it. There are simply too many variables. Dr. Goodfellow fired Thaddeus on the spot.
11. The Time Experiment
(Summer, 1892)
Having heard of some extraordinary scientific inventions going on in New Jersey, Thaddeus decided to bend to his curiosity and see what all the fuss was about. He arrived in West Orange, New Jersey. He settled into the Ambassador Hotel (as Beauregard Abernathy) and set about observing the lay of the land in the bars. Talk of the town was about some secret scientific experiments going on at the Edison Factory.
There was a bar just around the corner from the factory, aptly named, “Sparks”. It was the local watering hole for the Edison employees. Beau was able to get a lot of information there. Everyone knew that Mr. Edison was a good friend of Mayor Thomas Beveridge, and that the Mayor supported anything going on at the factory.
Most townsfolk were nervous about electricity but happy to embrace the new technology – especially all the time-saving and work-saving inventions. There were a number of people who just didn’t trust it. According to them, Mr Edison “was meddling with things the Good Lord didn’t intend us to meddle with”. And there were some men who were just up to no good.
Beau recognized the look well enough… These were the people Beau needed to keep an eye on. Beau was just one of many people who were coming to town. Most of them came to buy the wonderful inventions, but there were military people coming as well. Thaddeus needed more information as to what was going on. He wasn’t sure how to proceed with getting to know the Mayor.
Then Lady Luck put an extra Ace in Beau’s hand. It turned out that the Mayor’s son, Theo Beveridge played poker at that very establishment almost every night. Beau had no difficulty charming (and bribing) his way into the game.
Theo Beveridge was a stupid and cruel man. His cruelty came out in the way he treated the bar staff, constantly belittling them. To the rest of the patrons, he bragged about his connection to the Edison Factory. There were some Factory employees there as well. Most of them just looked embarrassed. Theo regaled the whole room with stories of fanciful experiments with a new-fangled Time Machine!
The military people within earshot stood up at the mention of the words “Time Machine”. They probably would have advanced upon Theo to shut him up if Theo hadn’t finally noticed that and shut up on his own. There were two men sitting in a corner. One of them was very well known in town – Nikolai Tesla, a former employee of Edison and now a rival. The other, an older man, appeared to be a current employee of Edison. They had that look of being up to no good. Thaddeus recognized the man – it was Clifford Simmons. He was almost 30 years older but still recognizable.
It occurred to Thaddeus that he was also 30 years older, and hoped that the gap from a 14-year-old kid to 42-year-old was less recognizable. Throughout the rest of the evening, Theo Beveridge continued to talk (in hushed tones) about the experiments. He revealed that he was the official volunteer to be the first man to travel into the future.
Everyone at the table laughed, of course. But Thaddeus was intrigued. He wanted to be there for the experiment, so he quickly decided it was time to become Mr. Beveridge’s best friend. It wasn’t long before another employee of the factory came in. Young fellow. He was looking for someone and the staff pointed in the direction of the poker table. He was trying very hard to conceal his annoyance with Mr. Beveridge. He said that Mr. Beveridge shouldn’t be here so late the night before such an important… event. He should be getting his rest.
Mr. Beveridge introduced the young man as Xavier Mulane, the inventor of the (whispered) time machine. Most of the men at the table scoffed. Mr. Beveridge had already contributed much to their winnings and they were greedy for the rest. One of the men at the table stood up, offering a hand to the new arrival. He was an older man, probably about 40. Although he looked as common as the rest of them, he spoke with the air of a Southern gentleman
“It is an absolute pleasure to meet you, Mr. Mulane. My name’s Abernathy – Beauregard Abernathy. Now,
Mr. Beveridge here has been regaling us, ever so discreetly about your impressive work. (Xavier rolled his
eyes). I suspect that, if this mysterious event is even half as important as Mr. Beveridge implies, then rest
for Mr. Beveridge is sound advice indeed.”
Mr. Mulane looked a little confused but relieved. Mr. Beveridge objected, but in his state of drunkenness, Thaddeus had little trouble guiding him to the door. Mr. Mulane followed behind reiterating how important it was that Mr. Beveridge be well rested. Thaddeus glanced down and noticed some whispering between Mr. Tesla and Simmons.
“In fact, Mr. Beveridge, your support of this has inspired me. I consider it our civic duty to support the advancement of science, so I will remain outside your home all night to ensure your safety (Tesla’s face betrayed a sneer) and to ensure that you get to the factory on time tomorrow” As he passed, Thaddeus saw some money change hands from Tesla to Mr. Simmons.
Out on the street, Mr. Mulane offered to assist Beau in getting Mr. Beveridge home. Beau reassured him that he could manage. For the most part, Mr. Beveridge could walk by himself. It had been more of a matter of persuading him to go home rather than physically supporting him. At one point, Mr. Beveridge stumbled toward the street when there was an on-coming horse, but Beau grabbed him back without any real danger. Fortunately for Beau, Mr. Beveridge, in his drunkenness, believed that Beau had saved his life.
Good. Beau knew he could talk his way into the factory for the experiment. On the way, Thaddeus made a brief detour to collect his satchel from the hotel. True to his word, Beau Abernathy stayed outside the Beveridge house all night and got Mr. Beveridge to the factory at the appointed time the following morning. Mr. Mulare thanked Beau for getting Mr. Beveridge there safely and began to direct Beau back to the door. Beau remained steadfast and whispered to Mr. Mulane, “Check your machine. That man over there (indicating Mr. Tesla’s associate, Mr. Simmons) is up to
Mr. Mulane looked a little put-out. The nerve of this man! Their exchange was momentary. Mr. Edison saw Beau and explained that this was a private laboratory and not open to the public. It was Theo Beveridge who spoke up, saying that since he was the subject of this experiment, he could invite whomever he chose. Nobody really objected, and everyone carried on with the task at hand.
Mr. Mulane paused for a moment and began checking his machine. He was interrupted by Mr. Beveridge demanding to get on with it. Mr. Mulane continued to check the machine as he warned the volunteer about the process and explained the sensations he might feel, all the while advising him that it was not too late to call it off. Still, Mr. Mulane continued to check the machine.
There were military personnel there to observe. Beau stepped back a bit to stay out of the way. Mulane hadn’t even done a quarter of his check when Mayor Beveridge arrived. Mr. Edison called for Mr. Mulane to get on with it. Mr. Theo Beveridge (Jr.) impatiently started to fit himself into the apparatus. Mr. Mulane indicated that he hadn’t finished his checks. Edison ordered him to proceed with the experiment.
Again Mr. Mulane asked the volunteer if he was sure he wanted to do this. Switches and dials were flipped and adjusted. The machine started whirring. An intense light emanated from the area where Mr. Beveridge (Jr.) was standing. Beau had to shield his eyes. Then came the sound. Like gears grinding. Mr. Mulane sprang into action trying to shut down the machine.
By his reaction, Beau could see clearly that the machine was not responding as it should. Sparks shot out of the machine followed by bursts of flame. For a moment the light around Mr. Beveridge pulsed off and Beau could see that Mr. Beveridge was gone, then the lights pulsed on again with sparks spraying in all directions. Beau could see a shape in the apparatus. Mr. Beverage was back again, still quite indiscernible amid the lights and sparks and smoke.
In the chaos, Beau surveyed the faces of everyone in the room. Everyone was shocked and horrified – except 1 man. The man who had been in the bar with Mr. Tesla. Clifford Simmons. Then the machine powered down. The entire event took all of 30 seconds. As the smoke cleared the figure in the apparatus came into view. A frail elderly man covered in electrical burns. He was hunched over and barely alive. But through the wrinkles were recognizable features. The ancient man was Theodore Beveridge!
As Mr. Mulane hurriedly extricated him from the machine, Mr. Beveridge collapsed. This was long before any companies had Health & Safety officers. Even for an experiment like this it is unlikely that anyone would have considered having medical personnel.
Thaddeus rushed forward. “My name’s Thaddeus Poindexter – I’m a doctor” Mr. Mulane looked at him, confused, but said nothing. Thaddeus went to work. Mr. Beveridge was still alive, but barely. The Mayor had rushed in demanding an explanation. Thaddeus shouted for someone to find transport to get him to the hospital. He instructed the Mayor to get some fresh water.
As people scattered Thaddeus pulled Mr. Mulane close to him. He put a key in Mulane’s hand and whispered quietly, “You’re going to be blamed for this. Use this chaos to get out without being seen. Get to the Ambassador Hotel. Go through the back door and up the stairs to room 7. Wait for me there.” Thaddeus continued to attend to his patient. A horse-drawn wagon was found and the patient was carried to it.
The mayor appeared with water. Thaddeus asked the Mayor to climb into the wagon and to talk to his son, keep him awake, and get as much water into him as possible. Thaddeus told the driver they needed a smooth ride to the hospital. Once there, Thaddeus left the patient in the hands of the local doctors and made his way back to the Ambassador Hotel.
“Mr. Beveridge is in stable condition. He seems to have aged about 60 odd years. He’ll live, but not for long. Old age. The Mayor’s calling for your head on a plate. At least I could keep him busy so he couldn’t organize anything at the factory. There isn’t much time.” Mr. Mulane was still in shock. “I don’t understand. It should have worked!” “the machine was sabotaged. There’s no doubt in my mind about that. I know who did it. I just can’t prove it. And no one will take the word of a drifter who was seen gambling in the saloon all week.”
“Who are you?” “Thaddeus Poindexter. Studied at Louisville School of Medicine. But a new doctor in town can occasionally garner a little too much attention. Sometimes it suits my purposes to remain anonymous. You may want to bear that in mind.”
Thaddeus handed Mulane a bundle of cash. Mulane tried to refuse it. “I don’t need your charity. I have money of my own!” “You can’t afford to be seen at the bank withdrawing your life savings. There isn’t time. Take this. Get out of town. How you manage that is up to you. But do it quickly. Do you know which direction you’ll be going?” “South.”
“I’ll head back to Sparks and start dropping hints that you might have been seen going north. I’ll stay here for a few days then head west. ‘Mr. Abernathy’ will be lying low for a while. I have friends in Lexington, Kentucky. I can stay there for a few weeks. Once you get settled, perhaps you’d do me the courtesy of sending me a telegram. I’ll inform the Lexington telegraph office that I’m expecting news from my cousin Beauregard”
Thaddeus listened at the door and glanced into the corridor. “The coast is clear. Get moving” Mulane paused and turned back to Thaddeus. “Wait. Why are you doing this for me?” “I cannot abide the work of intelligent men being undermined by idiots and fools.”
Thaddeus stayed a few more days in West Orange He kept a low profile and made some enquiries into the associate of Mr. Tesla (Thaddeus assumed he was using an alias.) It appeared that the man had left town. With nothing else to glean, Thaddeus traveled on to Lexington, Kentucky for a couple of weeks.
12. Wyoming
Thaddeus had become fascinated by Xavier’s experiments and could think of a number of ways he could put the concept to practical application, once there was a fully functional model. Once Thaddeus received a telegram from Xavier, they established an address where Xavier could receive mail (Xavier was now using the name Raven Alexium). Thaddeus told Raven to continue his work and sent some money to sustain him. Thaddeus explained that he was working on a plan to set up a full lab for Raven, but he needed to work out the details and find a suitable location.
Thaddeus continued to write to Raven, although Raven wasn’t always able to reply since Thaddeus was always on the move and didn’t always know where he’d end up next. Thaddeus’ plan was to have Raven continue his work, financed by Thaddeus. Ideally, they would need a place to work that is remote enough to avoid scrutiny, but enough civilization for access to shipping companies (rail or Wells Fargo). They also needed a believable cover story to explain the supplies they’d be receiving.
Thaddeus decided that he would set up a medical practice and Raven could set up a lab. The lab is simply a front for Raven’s own experiments, (but there would be legitimate medical equipment in case the need arose). Thaddeus had to admit to Raven that his medical knowledge is not up to the standards of the 1890s, but he could attend to wounds and perform some minor surgeries (extracting bullets, resetting broken bones) He’d need to establish the business in a small town with a situation that would result in a lot of injuries.
Thaddeus set off to find such a place. It only took a couple of weeks to hear of interesting activity in Wyoming. There was a major cattle war going on. The areas that were hit hardest had their share of doctors, so Thaddeus knew his lack of current medical knowledge would be discovered. The town of Wilcox was not at the center of the conflict, but it was certainly affected. It was in close proximity to “Hole-In-The-Wall, a known hide-out for outlaws. It was small enough not to have medical facilities, but close enough that patients could be transported to larger centers if there was something beyond Thaddeus’ capabilities. The roads were good. There was an established Wells Fargo office and there was a railway stop. Perfect.
Thaddeus arrived in Wilcox to find no shortage of the injured requiring treatment due to the Cattle War. Thaddeus was happy to treat patients on both sides of the conflict. Although there was good money in the medical practice, his ulterior motive was to establish contacts on both sides to assess possible work for Beauregard. There was also no end of gambling opportunities in neighboring communities.
Thaddeus settled into his practice and waited for Raven to come.
13. The Fugitive
(Raven – 1895)
Raven was at the pier in New Orleans checking on a new shipment of supplies for his experiments when he was attacked by a group of drunken French aristocratic youth. In the struggle, Raven struck one of the thugs who fell off the pier and drowned. Raven was captured and arrested for murder. The trial judge was a good friend of the mayor of West Orange, New Jersey, and recognized Raven as Xavier Mulane. The Judge felt it would raise too many questions to have Mulane publicly hung so instead ordered him to life imprisonment on a chain gang in Georgia. Through his sources, Thaddeus heard about the incident.
Xavier (Raven) spent endless days in back-breaking work building roadways under the watchful eye of cruel guards. It was an area outside Atlanta that had gone untouched since the Great Burning of 1864. The land was overgrown and riddled with burned timbers and the remains of old stone foundations. On this particular job, Mulane (and some of his more perceptive associates) had the feeling they were being watched. Not by the guards, but something else.
At this point, Xavier had pretty much lost hope, believing that Thaddeus had no knowledge of his arrest. Thaddeus obviously had not received any mail from Raven in several weeks. Xavier knew he would have to come up with his own plan to escape and make his way to Wyoming.
Xavier’s knowledge of science along with the help of some fellow inmates created an opportunity for a spectacular diversion. Xavier was able to break away along with some other convicts and flee into the woods. The convicts’ plan was to split up and most of them intended to eventually make their way back to New Orleans. Xavier knew there was a much higher risk of being caught in New Orleans and planned to go another way. The last letter he had received from Thaddeus indicated that Thaddeus was now in the new state of Wyoming.
Xavier had once heard of some place called “Hole-in-the-Wall”. A remote pass in the Big Horn Mountains of Johnson County, Wyoming. Perhaps he could team up with Thaddeus or a few fellow fugitives and seek a means to raise some capital and fund a new research lab. His other option was to try to travel to England or Europe to work with other esteemed inventors who would judge him on his merits and not his misfortunes.
For the moment, there was still the pursuit by armed guards. Xavier could hear one of them trudging through the underbrush behind him. Xavier and indeed all the members of the chain gang, were undernourished, hungry, and near exhaustion. It wouldn’t take long for the guards to catch up. The feeling he was being watched also persisted, though not by any guards.
Soon after, Xavier heard the distinctive sound of a rifle being cocked and knew he had been hunted down. He turned slowly to see a guard about 10 feet away with his rifle raised. For a moment, the two men stood facing each other. Xavier heard a subtle whoosh of air and the guard suddenly crumpled to the ground, a knife handle protruding from his neck.
Xavier stood frozen, his eyes darting about, looking for any trace of movement. His ears strained to hear every sound. Not far to the left, a stream or river gurgled. Xavier had to move. He had heard that scent dogs would not be able to track him if he walked in water.
Xavier crept towards the sound of the water. Suddenly, he came upon a small hidden campsite. There was a bedroll, a sturdy pack with utensils, and some freshly caught fish ready for filleting. Everything appeared to be ready to be packed up quickly. A man stood beside the stream with his back to Xavier.
Xavier wasn’t sure whether to attack the man or run off in the other direction. He really needed to get to the water. He only needed a few steps forward to clear the trees, then he could veer off to the left. He took a step – then another. The man spoke with the air of a Southern gentleman (with mock surprise). “Why, Mr. Mulane, whatever are you doing in such a terrible place?”
The man turned towards Xavier. Thaddeus Poindexter was looking characteristically smug… “Allow me to welcome you to what used to be the Abernathy Estate. I do apologize that the new owners do not hold to the same high standards of upkeep as my Aunt & Uncle had.”
Xavier was delighted. “Thaddeus! What are you doing here? I thought you were in Wyoming.” “Well funny you should mention that, my friend. I have established a modest medical practice in aid of the many injuries occurring in an ongoing conflict between ranchers and wayward cowboys. I find myself in need of a medical laboratory and I came here in search of a man who might have the expertise to manufacture the necessary equipment.”
Having got the preliminaries out of the way, Thaddeus deftly picked the lock on Xavier’s manacles. He produced a change of clothing out of his pack and set off to retrieve his knife while Xavier changed. Then the two of them packed everything up and Thaddeus led the way up the stream to where he had 2 horses waiting. On the train back to Wilcox, Xavier once again became Raven, and Thaddeus explained his plan.
14. The Bounty Hunter
Thaddeus and Raven spent the next few years well-established in their medical business and lab. Raven would work on his experiments, mostly undisturbed, occasionally assisting Thaddeus with any requirements for medical testing. Thaddeus would tend to injuries to pay the bills and make monthly trips out of town as Beauregard to make the real money.
One of the fellows who seemed to need to come by the medical practice quite often was a big brooding figure known as Percy Redfeather. Percy was now mostly a Bounty Hunter. Percy had supported the settlers against the ranchers of the Stockman’s Association during the Johnson County War and the (paid-off) law still wanted him in some locales.
Few around here bothered Percy though, and most would willingly help or shield him in gratitude for the work he had done for the settlers. Percy’s newly-chosen profession was dangerous and he needed patching up by Thaddeus more than a few times.
Percy got to know both Thaddeus and his somewhat reclusive business partner Raven. Percy knew there was something more to these two. His senses were almost never wrong. He also knew Thaddeus and Raven were looking for money. Something to do with their lab project.
Percy told Thaddeus and Raven that he could certainly use some help from time to time if they felt they were up to it. He was not at all surprised to discover that they both had plenty of grit.
One day, Percy ran into an old acquaintance as he passed by Hole-in-the-Wall. News Carver was out riding with some little woman who had one helluva big rifle strapped across her back. News brightened at the sight of Percy and called out, “Just the man I hoped to run into. How’d you like to help me out and get in on a real score at the same time?”
Percy knew that News was a train robber and a member of the infamous Wild Bunch. News knew that any robbery was pretty far outside Percy’s usual line, but News was desperate. He had a hot tip on a rich payroll but it had to happen right now. The rest of his Wild Bunch were away somewhere traveling and spending their last haul. All he had was his new gal Josephine. She would do alright, She could shoot better than any of them and she hated the rail companies (with good reason).
News figured he needed at least three more for the job – and the money was big… So big that maybe someone like Percy might bite. Percy needed money, Everyone in those parts needed money. After hearing News explain the plan and the possible take, Percy resisted for a while, but not long. He was hungry enough to want in.
News asked, “You know any other sturdy fellas you can trust?” Percy said, “You know, I just might… You ever meet Doc Thaddeus or that bookish fella with him all the time what calls himself Raven?”